The Gathering of the Eagles
Fall Equinox, Sept 1 – 5, 2022
Gaia Muna Shamanic Retreat Centre
Salmon Arm, B.C.
For the third Eagles Gathering, we return to the Gaia Muna Shamanic Retreat Centre.
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Please subscribe below to access video interviews, read all the background material and be notified about the next gathering.
[mailpoet_form id=”16″]The Clarion Call
Do you know in your heart that you incarnated for a higher purpose and have a mission to complete in this lifetime? Do you have memories of past lives or ancestors connected to distant places such as Lemuria or Atlantis? Do you feel you hold ancient skills and wisdom which remain a mystery to you? Do you remember being associated with tribal healers, Druids, Essenes, or the Merovingian lineage? Do you feel a mysterious inner knowing connected to the life with Christ, Buddha, other saints, and sages, or the Knights Templar or the Knights of the Round Table?
Magical memories and feelings reside within us so that our soul being can become rekindled so that our true meaning and purpose can ignite our life – and the lives of others.
Do you feel a tingling right now? If so, this is your clarion call to come to a Place of Power in the Shuswap and join like-minded people who are birthing themselves into a higher level of consciousness – finding your Eagle within.
But there is a quickening upon us…
A generation of Eagles is transitioning into the elder and ancestral realms. They spent much of their lives developing cellular networks to prove the meaning of the sentient Earth and the Cosmos. But now, a new generation of Eagles are emerging to action this cellular network into the realm of purpose.
We have invited you to a Gathering of Eagles, and your invitation is by no means an accident. This invitation has an elemental force of synchronicity because you are about to transition into a point of action; you will begin your mentorship with the Eagles who have walked before you. We will gather as 12 around 1, with the center, Zero Point, Spirit, or Teacher. This formula holds the ancient elements of learning.
All 12 circles around the inner circle form the basis for music as the distances between the spheres are identical to the spaces between tones and the halftones in the musical scale.
A 12-pointed star is called a star dodecahedron. This star can be created by connecting the 12 intersections points of the 12 outer circles necessary to make the Egg of Life. In 2D, this star can be depicted as a star dodecagram. Since the number 12 also symbolizes the illusion of time, you can see that the star dodecagram can be found by connecting the 12 hours on a clock. The 12 around 1 is a sacred process of giving and receiving. It will be delivered within this extraordinary gathering, which encourages reconciliation with nature and the work required to become the new messengers of change. All 12 circles around the inner circle form the basis for music as the distances between the spheres are identical to the spaces between tones and the halftones in the musical scale.
The Legacy
In the early 1980s, Menno Pauls first imagined the Gathering of Eagles; it was the result of an extraordinary journey of adventure and spiritual insight. As a messenger for future events, he would pen a book describing his encounters, lessons, and visions in intimate detail. He explained that there would be people and safe harbours, leading the way for a shift in consciousness that would change the world.
The Gathering of Eagles was intentionally never published; instead, it was photocopied and distributed person by person into informal networks. It would reach thousands of people over time, inspiring them to understand the forces at work.
Today, there are pockets of Eagles everywhere. This gathering represents a celebration of Menno Paul’s tireless work and legacy as a messenger as he seeks to prepare us all for the coming changes.
There is an ancient promise that some human beings hold. It is a promise which spanned across time and the ancestral realm.
The First Eagles Gathering
The Shuswap Bioregion’s central vortex is Mt. Ida, the dragon in the landscape, an extinct lava tube that is part of the chain of volcanic mountains that form the Ida channel or the parasympathetic nervous system for Turtle Island. The central nervous system of the North American continent is the Rocky Mountains.
The sacred geometry of 12 around one forms the flower of life so we will gather as two groups of 12 each around 1. One group of 12 will service the other 12 on a rotating basis over the 3 days., like positive and negative; light and dark; Yin and Yang; or breathing in and breathing out.
Gaia Muna Shamanic Retreat Centre hosted the gathering from Sept 9 to 12, 2021.
The Second Eagles Gathering
The Summer Solstice, June 20-24, 2022, was held at the Center of the Universe, Vidette Lake Retreat, B.C. To know more about the site, click the link
The Book
This event is based on The Gathering of the Eagles by Meno Pauls as told by Ray Hudson Copyrighted 1981. To download a copy, please provide your email in the above box.
Also, please read the Unique Urantia. To download a copy, please provide your email in the above box.
Once you have read all the material and feel called, join us at The Friends of the Gathering of Eagles on Facebook at, where Menno Pauls recalls his 40-year journey and shares with us how the Eagles are transforming for the next generation of conscious evolution.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]