Starting wherever you are, the program will move members from apprenticeship through the journeyman level to mastery. We will do this together by regularly exercising our individual and group geomantic skills and turning these skills into well-trained intuitive strengths.
The Tree of Geomancy or Earth Wisdom has 12 branches. Each month during this annual cycle, you will learn and apply the following:
- Opening and Closing Attunements
- Opening and closing the Akashic Records
- Geomancy as prophecy
- One of the branches of Geomancy, like the Tree of Life
- The power of working as a collective of 12 around 1
- Geomancy from the micro to the macro levels – As above, so below.
- property landscape level
- Watershed
- Bioregional or Holon level
- Continental
- Global
- Planetary
- Solar System
- Intergalactic
- The location and function of chakras at each level of the landscape
- The ley lines of the earth are like the meridians of the body
- Learn how to work with Divine Mother,
- Ancestral Wisdom,
- Mother Earth – Gaia
- Learn how to work with Angels
- Guardian Angels
- Seraphim Angels and Santora
- 365 Day Angels
- Moon Angels
- Learn how to work with “the directions” and Medicine Wheels.
- Chinese and European five-element theory
- Fire
- Air
- Earth
- Water
- Metal (Either)
- Fairies, Dwarfs, Trolls, Sprites, Sylphs, Dragons, Allies
- Extraterrestrials and ultraterrestails.
- Learn how to build and work with Sacred Geometry, letters, Temples, Standing Stones, Medicine Wheels, and Sacred Sites.
- Learn how to clear houses, buildings, landscapes, gardens, farms, watersheds, etc., of geopathic stress to prepare for client property assessments.
- How to locate and create bioregional safe zones, vorticities, and ascension portals.
During the annual cycle, this group coaching program uses the ‘power of peers’ to refine and strengthen your individual and collective earth dowsing and healing skills.
You can access a closed Facebook page and this and last year’s videos. You can ask questions of this year’s students and last year’s graduate students.
Here is a testimonial from one of the graduates.
You will also receive an invitation to an in-person 3-day Sacred Shuswap Geomancy Outing held yearly in the Salmon River, B.C.
At the end of this program, as geomancers, practitioners and leaders in earth dowsing and healing to help birth the New Earth.
To be certified, you must submit three or more property assessments and clearings you have done for clients, plus written testimonials.
We will conduct weekly 60-minute sessions initially led by Tyson Banighen or one or more certified graduates from this course.
Agricultural Dowsing
This Certification Program includes the following Agricultural Dowsing courses by Patrick McManaway, past President of The British Society of Dowsers.
- “The Keys to Grace and The Art of Blessing – how to enter and maintain our state of grace and work daily miracles….” 3.5 hours
- “Subtle Energies and Dowsing on Farm and Garden – A review of experiments, successes and strategies arising…” 2 hours
- Subtle Energies and Dowsing in Agriculture a Day Long Workshop – 8 hours. For more information, click here.
Patrick has extensive experience using dowsing and subtle energies on farms in the U.S., U.K., and Australia, increasing yields, fertility, and health of crops and livestock. Your Green Fingers and plant-whispering talents can come out of the greenhouse and garden and work in the fields.
Patrick has developed and refined subtle energies and extended sensory awareness techniques to work creatively with Nature’s Spirit intelligence to enhance soil, crop, and livestock resilience and fertility. His results to date include the following:
- 20% increase in wheat and potato yield
- 45% increase in sorghum yield
- 50% reduction in calf mortality
- 60% reduction in mastitis
- increased numbers of beneficial insects present
- high frost resistance in early crops
For more information on Patrick MacManaway and his products and services, visit his website at
Self Study Course
This course is also available as a Self-Study Course without certification. It includes access to the Closed Facebook page and videos from this year’s and last year’s classes. You can ask questions of this year’s students and last year’s graduate students. For more information and to join, click here.
For the Love of Gaia,
Join Us.
Tyhson J. Banighen, M.A. in Whole Systems Design
Master Dowser and Geomancer