Deep Clearing Protocol and I AM Invocations
Deep Clearing Installation
AFTER YOU SAY THE CLEARING PORTION of the Deep Clearing Protocol, which transmutes what you no longer want, installing what you want is equally important. Here is a list of 101 powerful I AM statements to install or invoke into manifestation. For the most potent results, say the I AM statements out loud in a commanding voice and, better yet, in front of a mirror while looking deep into your own eyes.
What Does The I AM Represent…
WHEN WE USE THE TERM I AM, we are, whether we are conscious of it or not, automatically connecting ourselves to the singular force of All That Is That We Are, the Divine Principle if you will, or for some, the Oneness of All.
When we do this consciously, everything we invoke into being after the I Am is empowered and, in many ways, made perfect. For instance … I am in harmony … I AM all I choose to be, and so on. Doing so marries the power of the I AM with the invocation and automatically brings that invocation into the stream of the infinite creation.
When we state I AM, we consciously declare that I am one with the divine presence in form. When we do this unconsciously, it does not have the same power nor clarity of intent and, consequently, sometimes, brings in things we do not necessarily want to have manifested. However, when we state the I AM and our invocation consciously and with loving intent, we bring the power of the I AM into every cell, atom and molecule of our form and being. Activating our I AM presence consciously brings forth a field of love and gratitude for all we are and can be. And so it is,
This course includes video instructions, and you will learn over 100 I AM manifestation statements.
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