This program includes the following:
- This program is for those that have chosen use a business to deliver their divine gifts to the world.
- Three 45-minute calls per month with Tyhson Banighen, to accelerate your learning and help you realize your goals.
- Access to the FREE 30 Minute Energy Healing Sessions, every Tuesday evening, to receive an energy clearing, and learn how to help others clear. Please note: These are drop in sessions and ALL sessions will be recorded and available to participants.
- One two hour long Group Master Mind Training Session every month
- Three 45-minute calls per month with Tyhson Banighen, to accelerate your learning and help you realize your goals.
- Access to all the on-line Academy courses and the video library, with over 130 hours of instruction in i.e. dowsing, muscle testing, energy healing, clearing & cleansing, de-stressing with more courses on the way (added to your account within 36 hours or less) with a value of well over $3,000.00
The cost per month for the One to One Coaching program is $997.00
Prepay for the year for $9970.00 and receive two months free!