This introductory 1o video course will teach you how to evaluate your energy in four ways. You learn them all, but then choose your favourite for each circumstance.
- Dowsing using a Pendulum or L-rod
- Body swaying as a pendulum
- Muscle test
- Self-test of finger testing.
Once you have mastered the four techniques for evaluating your energy, you’ll be shown the three-tiered system for evaluating life energy. This quick and simple system will allow you to find out what your body is trying to tell you so you can finally give it what it needs.
- Meridians
- Chakras
- Auric field band
This introductory workshop will give you the essential tools and fundamental skills to further your Dowsing and Energy Medicine study.
Your next best step is to learn how to dowse, and an excellent place to start is with The More than a Begginner’s Dowsing Course, which you can access by