Summer Solstice, June 20-24, 2022
The Center of the Universe, Vidette Lake Retreat
$1,000 Canadian or $793.00 US by June 15.
Payment Options in U.S. dollars which includes meals and accommodation:
Contact Darlene at 778-866-8477 or email
Meals and Accommodation Included
Eleven Organic, Local, Chef-prepared meals
Accommodations at the Center of the Universe
First come, first served, choices of Lodges, single, and larger cabins available for groups. Connect with Darlene at to book your accommodation.
The Clarion Call
Do you know in your heart of hearts that you incarnated for a higher purpose and have a mission to complete in this lifetime?
Do you have memories of past lives or ancestors connected to distant places like Lemuria or Atlantis? Do you feel you hold ancient skills and wisdom which remain a mystery to you? Do you have memories of being associated with tribal healers, Druids, Essenes, or the Merovingian lineage? Do you feel a mysterious inner knowing connected to the Life with Christ, Buddha or other saints and sages or perhaps the Knights Templar or the Knights of the Round Table?
Magical memories and feelings reside within us so that our soul being can become rekindled so that our true meaning and purpose can ignite our life – and the lives of others.
Do you feel a tingling right now? If so, then this is your clarion call to come to a Place of Power in the Shuswap and join with other like-minded people who are birthing themselves into a higher level of consciousness – finding your Eagle within.
But there is a quickening upon us.
A generation of Eagles is transitioning into the elder and ancestral realms. They spent much of their lives developing cellular networks to prove the meaning of the sentient Earth and the Cosmos. But now, a new generation of Eagles are emerging to action this cellular network into the realm of purpose.
We have invited you to a Gathering of Eagles, and your invitation is by no means an accident. This invitation has an elemental force of synchronicity because you are about to transition into a point of action; you will begin your mentorship with the Eagles who have walked before you. We will gather as 12 around 1, with the center, Zero Point, Spirit, or Teacher. This formula holds the ancient elements of learning.
All 12 circles around the inner circle form the basis for music. The distances between the spheres equal the distances between tones and the halftones in the musical scale.
A 12-pointed star is called a star dodecahedron. This star can be created by connecting the 12 intersection points of the 12 outer circles to make the Egg of Life. In 2D, this star is a star dodecagram. Since the number 12 also symbolizes the illusion of time, you can see that the star dodecagram can be found by connecting the 12 hours on a clock. The 12 around 1 is a sacred process of giving and receiving, which encourages reconciliation with nature and the work required to become the new messengers of change. All 12 circles around an inner circle form the basis of music. The distances between the spheres are identical to the spaces between tones and the halftones in the musical scale.
The Legacy
In the early 1980s, when Menno Pauls first imagined the Gathering of Eagles, it resulted from an extraordinary journey of adventure and spiritual insight. As a messenger for future events, he would pen a book that would describe his encounters, lessons and visions in intimate detail. He explained that there would be people and safe harbours, leading to a shift in consciousness that would change the world.
Quite intentionally, the Gathering of Eagles was never published; instead, it was photocopied and distributed person by person into informal networks and would reach thousands of people over time, inspiring them to understand the forces at work.
Today, there are pockets of Eagles everywhere. This gathering represents a celebration of Menno Pauls’s tireless work and legacy as a messenger as he seeks to prepare us all for the coming changes.
Some human beings hold an ancient promise and are guided by our ancient ancestors through space and time.
To read The Gathering of the Eagles pdf book and supporting background material before attending the event, please sign in by clicking this link.
History of The Center of the Universe
In the early 1980s, on a snowy November day, a mysterious man entirely dressed in white robes arrived at Vidette Lake in Deadman Valley 30 kilometres east and 50 kilometres north of Kamloops. He claimed to have found the Centre of the Universe and introduced himself to the then-owner of the Vidette Lake Gold Mine Resort in Kamloops, British Columbia. Not knowing what was happening, the owner replied, “Welcome, my friend,” and invited him into his cabin, a former 1860s Fur Trading Post.
The mysterious man turned out to be an apprentice monk who had been sent from San Francisco to verify the existence of the Centre of the Universe. Tibetan monks believe that the Centre of the Universe is located on the Earth, and using a series of tests, it can be verified. The Rinpoche, or Master Teacher, in San Francisco, had pointed to a location on a map that he had never seen and claimed that it was the spot. He then sent the apprentice to the Kamloops area and on to Vidette Lake to conduct a series of tests, and this was the white-robed man who showed up in 1980.
Once the apprentice monk had conducted a few tests and determined that this could very well be the Centre of the Universe, he returned to report back to his Master Teacher. The next visit occurred in 1984 when the Master Teacher and an entourage of followers attended. Tests were conducted, including calming spirits by burning aromatic fuel in a fire, to verify that the top of the grassy knoll with a commanding view of the valley and the lake was the Centre of the Universe.
Tests that passed when verifying the authenticity of the Centre of the Universe included geographic characteristics, shaped like the prow of a ship, pointed south, and sloping from north downwards to the south. Other tests include the spontaneous starting of a fire without an ignition source and the sounds of choral singing. The site is said to emit power from at least three spots within a seven-meter diameter, and many feel it could be a much larger area.
The Center of the Universe is an area where power lines or ley lines intersect, and one can find peace or get centred, hence the name.
Ironically, unbeknownst to the monks, this site had been a special place for the local First Nations people to visit.
How Ray Stad came to be the keeper of this mystical property is a magical story. Years before purchasing the property, his partner, Ruth Edwards, clipped out images of the life she wanted to create and pasted them to a dream board. At the bottom corner of the board, she posted a picture of Vidette Lake taken from the Center of the Universe. Ruth had no idea where the photo had been taken, and she just liked it. A few years later, she received a phone call from a friend telling her to check out a resort for sale. She and Ray purchased the resort, but it wasn’t until a year later that Ruth realized it was the picture on her dream board.
In 1988, a small, high-ranking group of monks arrived to convince the owner of the Vidette Lake Gold Mine Lodge to donate the land. They had even made initial arrangements to have the Dalai Lama, who happened to be in Seattle at the time, visit by helicopter. The monks called off the visit when they could not reach a deal to acquire the land and resort. Since 1980, monks and others seeking to become enlightened, pay their respects, and satisfy their curiosity continue to visit the site.
From the road to the site, stop and hug Larry the Healing Tree. A healer named Larry pointed the tree out to Ray during a visit advising Ray that hugging the tree for 20 minutes a day could cure any ailments one might have. You reach the portal stone; it is best to remove your shoes to better connect with the Earth’s energy. You walk around the stone five times in a clockwise direction. Then upon entering, you will encounter Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags. As the wind blows on the flags, the prayers make their way into the Universe to answer.
Next, one can walk to Turtle Rock, place their feet in the footholds, and meditate, allowing the site’s energy to heal them. The native people named Turtle Rock, and the area is a sacred site. Visit the altar and leave an offering. Previous guests have left such offerings as a card blessed by the Dalai Lama, a cufflink with a red cross left by a Swiss doctor and a bracelet from a Canadian soldier who had served in Afghanistan.
The electromagnetic energy of the area is a result of the mineral content. Gold, silver, and copper veins were discovered as early as 1898. However, active development did not occur until 1931, following 335 meters of underground exploration and development. The Vidette Lake Gold Mine started in 1933. Between 1933 and May 1939, the mine produced 1449 kilograms of silver, 929 kilograms of gold, 43,825 kilograms of copper and 161 kilograms of lead. This mine provided jobs to many Kamloops men during the Great Depression.
After visiting the Center of the Universe, you can continue up the road to Deadman Falls, and if you keep going, you will find an abandoned farm complete with an outhouse and a leaning building. On your way back to Kamloops, check out the Indian Graveyard, the Hoodoos, and the abandoned homesteads. For more details on Vidette Lake Nature Retreat, click here.
Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice celebrates the abundance of the Earth at a time when nature is ripe and flourishing with offerings of life. It is a time to express gratitude for the Life-giving substance The Sun provides and all that it manifests.
The Solstice on June 21 marks the start of summer. It is the longest day of the year before the night starts to grow longer again. It is a time to reflect on your personal growth and the meaning of the season of light and change when there is the most light. In terms of consciousness, it is when we are the most aware of knowing ourselves. The Sun is the light of all life, for seeds planted in the ground or our souls. It is a time of renewal, abundance, love, and expansion. As the summer sun unfolds the leaves on the tree, so do our souls open to receive the source of light that illuminates us.
Creating a ceremony or celebration allows humans to acknowledge the lifeforce energy within us and give gratitude for the power and blessings we receive. The Earth constantly provides us with incredible bounty, and the Sun’s warmth provides the light necessary for all living beings to thrive and prosper. The Solstice signifies when Earth is at the fullness of her strength, fertility, and abundance. It is a time for us to celebrate our strength and pollinate our spiritual consciousness, and share offerings of gratitude for the abundance we experience daily. The word Solstice comes from the Latin words Sol + systere, meaning Sun standing still; the Solstice is the longest day of the year and the shortest night as the days grow shorter and the nights longer.
Fire is used symbolically throughout summer solstice celebrations to praise the Sun to bring luck and ward off the darkness. And the spiral is also a symbol associated with Solstices. Ancient dances would follow the Sun’s movement like a spiral. People join hands weaving through the streets, winding into a decreasing spiral into the middle, and then unwinding again. The Sun spirals from the contraction of the winter solstice to the expansion of the summer solstice. Festivals in the North will continue to dance and play, holding hands in the formation of a spiral.
Summer is a time to engage our earth connection and cultivate and deepen our connection to divine energies. Life becomes a ceremony when we live with gratitude, reciprocity, and respect for all, taking only what we need and living in harmony with the planet’s cycles. We strengthen and nourish the bond at birth with our greater parent, the Sun, who sustains us all. As we observe the blossoming of life all around us, we can receive the energy of vitality and experience the generosity of the Earth, which provides us with everything that we need.
Breathing Our I Am Presence into Being
My name is Mari-Gaye Aruna Abraham. I am a mixed-race settler. My deepest roots hail from India and a rich heritage of Celtic Nomadic lineages. I currently reside in the unceded territory of the Syilx and Smelqmix Nations. Here, I raise my children and offer shamanic support to the Land that supports us and the multiple communities that share this place. All my efforts remain dedicated to the ascension of the Earth and the awakening of human consciousness – for the greatest good of All – in alignment with the unconditionally loving heart of the Universe – according to Free Will.
I am humbly honoured to be supporting the Summer Solstice ceremony at our upcoming gathering in June. I look forward to breathing our I Am Presence into Being, as we call in and celebrate the highest potential of human civilization – in this age and for all ages to come. Together, let us reclaim our sacred responsibility to be portent caregivers for our children (as the future Earth Keepers), our families, our communities and the Earth.
Family Constellations with Claire Dupuis
In Family Constellation work, we look at resolving the disturbance within that comes in the form of new images of old situations and ideas – visions that can break or change the subconscious habit that has been formed and enmeshed within our disordered cellular structure and memories.
Rupert Sheldrake has documented the existence of the morphic field that connects people, places and even animals, and the theory is then that we are living in a universe with its innate memory. Suppose we are in sync with this morphic resonance. Is it not possible that our patterns as a self-organizing system may be influenced by patterns of disturbance in the past, giving our systems a collective memory?
This self-organization, also called spontaneous order, creates a new type of order due to relationships between parts of an initially disordered system. So, these disturbances affect our mental, physical, or spiritual systems. Often the issues are long-standing problems that plague a person’s life, regardless of
repeated attempts at change or developing insight. Issues can be in family relationships, physical illness, behaviours etc. With this disruption of unconscious connections of the loss of the resonance of love, the highest vibration of functional order within the disturbed systems must adapt to the new form of chaotic dis-order.
Bert Hellinger observed the presence of this and learned how to use it to modify hidden disturbed family systems so that the natural order supporting love can be re-established and love may flow again.
Based upon systemic constellation work worldwide, I have adapted it to include my own experience and professional background in intuitive healing. We will work on whatever issue we would like to look at from business, health (disease, illness), education, and the family relationship.
Come and experience this amazing Life-changing work that can alter your life; the possibility of unravelling all your systems back to a healthy dynamic self-organized system by healing old family pain, patterns, and conflict is endless. I am honoured to share this profound work with everyone who attends.
CE5 Connection to the Star Family with Lea Walters (Rev. Lois Guerett)
Lea will use the CE5 method to connect us to the Star Family and Universal Consciousness.
Rev. Lois Gueret is a mystic, medium, spiritual guide, ET experiencer, geomancer, and alchemist. She uses her 35+ years of wisdom and experience in these fields to help others find their authentic selves and reclaim their quality of life.
Do you find yourself changing, connecting more to the spiritual realm, asking more and more questions, like who am I, and where do I come from? Where do you fit in in this Universe?
In the book, ‘Oh, F#%k – You Mean There’s More!?’, Rev. Lois Gueret takes you on a spiritual journey to address these issues and guides you to become emphatically healthy. She discusses the changes to our energy bodies and the very nature of reality. This guide is filled with practical guidelines and practices to help you connect with your ‘authentic mystic’ and the spiritual realm.
C0-creating with Landscape Temples with Tyhson J. Banighen
Directed by guidance and eco-spiritual dowsing, we will create, activate, and maintain a sacred landscape temple or what Menno Pauls refers to as a safe zone for global transformation.
We will learn about bioregions, watersheds, water blessings and how to commune and play with devas, elementals, and the angelic kingdom in your area. Where is the sacred triangle of mountain spirits that are the root, heart, and chakras in your landscape? Where are the points of evolution and devolution? What areas of the landscape need healing? We will use the Shuswap Landscape Temple as an example to help you locate and create your landscape temple. The Shuswap is one of 20 key heart chakra centers points for the angel of North America. We will then apply these principles to map the Vidette Lake Nature Retreat property. With this knowledge, you will be able to create, activate and maintain a sacred landscape temple in your area.
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