Intuition Technology ~ by John Living

Intuition Technology ~ by John Living


The key to unlock the door to your mind, and beyond.

Most of us know that we have Intuition – we get a certain ‘knowingness’ on occasion. But there is a problem! Sometimes, we are left ‘in the cold when we need guidance.’ Now, this can be changed! This book explains ‘how to do this’ in simple, easy ways. Using these techniques, you can get guidance from ‘Upstairs’ on any subject, including relationships, work problems, and your family’s health.

This book includes all of John Living’s knowledge of Dowsing – based on his experience as a successful Dowser. Much of the contents have been gleaned from Master Dowsers, to whom he is extremely grateful for helping him over the years.

We hope it will help you to be even more successful in your Dowsing!

Please note: This 432-page book is available in PDF form.

The book is presented in the following sections:

Section One ~ Understanding Ourselves – and our environment.
With the following Chapters
Naturally, we ARE Intuitive, Science and Beyond. The Human Being: We are Psychic!; Understanding Hypnosis; Other Dimensional Beings; We Compute!; Improving Our Performance; Our Intuitive Radio; The Power of Thought; Levitation and Gravity; Fun, Not Hard Work.

Section Two ~ Dowsing – Amplifying the Signals Sent and Received
With the following Chapters…
Amplifying Intuitive Signals;  Working with ‘The System’,  Asking Questions, Counting, Charts, and Lists, Locational Dowsing,  Earth Energies,  The Message Chart,   Remote Viewing, Water Thoughts, Radionics, Trees and Healing.

Section Three ~ Healing – Using our Intuitive Skills and ‘Power of Thought’ for Health
With the following Chapters…
Healing Overview, Grounding, Protection, and Clearing, Our Energy Body, Influences of Entities, Vivaxis: Life Links to Birth Places, Illness, Simple Healing, It is a Matter of Form, All about LuLu, Exploring Genes and Other Influences, Let There be Light!.