*** L Rods are sold in pairs ! ***
- Large 14 inches long, 5 bead handle
- Medium 8½ inches long, 4 bead handle
- Small 7 inches long, 2 bead handle9
These are made from bronze rods, with wooden bead handles having an insert to prevent stickyness, having metal beads for low friction movement, and a metal bead end cap.
The rod arm has a metal end cap to enhance your Dowsing response and prevent damage to people.
L-Rods, also known as angle Rods are L shaped wires traditionally used for field dowsing. Copper L-Rods and L-Rods with sleeves are the most popular among dowsers. L-Rods respond by either opening, or closing when asked a question. L-Rods can also point in a direction when searching for an object. Some dowsers use L-Rods for space clearing or Feng Shui. Dowsers use L-Rods for locating water, treasure, energy, food, directions and information. L-Rods are useful for any type of dowsing