One to One Mentoring and Coaching Program

One to One Mentoring and Coaching Program

The Goal of this 6 month One to One Mentoring/Coaching Program is to help you determine your life’s purpose and then provide you with all the tools necessary to design, deliver and launch your life’s passion into the world either as a webinar, program, online course and /or speak to sell from the stage.

The One to One Beta Mentoring /Coaching Program is a six month fast track program tailor made for you and includes access to the following programs:

    • Prosperity for the Spiritually Gifted Program worth $997.00
    • My Divine Gifts Program worth $997.00 a month
    • Removing Your Toxic Emotions Program worth $997.00 a month
    • Create and launch your online product and course which can be hosted by the Academy. with the other course providers. This includes group coaching and a Free invitation to a 5 day in person Incubator and Beta Test to Launch Your On-line Academy Program and/or Speak to Sell Program worth $497.00 a month.
    • An invitation to be interviewed 0n The Wellness Show a weekly podcast.
    • An opportunity to sell your products and services through The Wellness Store on a commission basis.
    • Access to the FREE 3o Minute Energy Healing Sessions every Tuesday evening, to receive an energy clearing, and learn how to help others clear. Please note: These are drop in sessions and ALL sessions will be recorded and available to participants.
    • One two hour long Group Master Mind Training Session  every month worth $497.00
    • Access to the Healing Mastermind Facebook Group.
    • Invitation to a all Healing Mastermind Group Zoom calls with training in how conduct your own Healing Mastermind.
    • Three 45-minute calls per month with Tyhson Banighen and Janet Charette, to accelerate your learning and help you realize your goals.
    • Your Divine Inspiration Quote sent to you daily.
    • Access to all the on-line Academy courses  and the video library, with over 130 hours of instruction in dowsing, muscle testing, energy healing and agriculture, with more courses on the way (added to your account within 36 hours or less) with a value of well over $3,000.00

The total value of the one to one monthly program is over $6,000.00 a month and your investment is only  $997.00 a month and if you prepay now it is only $5,982 for six months and you receive one month for free!