The Wellness Formula is designed to encourage maximum cell water turn over. This will help the body flush stored toxins from the system which in turn, support the immune system in the defense of the body. For this special formula we created a specific Wellness Frequency Program to support and strengthen all the bodily functions. We also added a special algorithm that supports and strengthens the rhythm of the heart. The Wellness Formula deals with the complete body from its ability to process food for fuel, sugar imbalances that affect the adrenals (bodies energy system), as well as the strengthening of the defense and energy systems of the body.
Due to legal restrictions we are unable to make any claims concerning our Hexagonal Scalarwave Structured Water™. We can claim improved hydration which is the base cause of almost every health challenge we face today. We can point out that when our Hexagonal Scalarwave Structured Water™ solutions were tested using the FDA approved RJL Systems BIA-101Q (Quantum) Bio impedance test equipment that measures; Total Body Water, Fat Free Mass, Total Body Fat, Intracellular Water, Extra cellular Water, Body Cell Mass, Total Body distal or proximal Resistance and Reactance, we out performed all other waters tested. Dr. Emoto’s crystal photographs confirm the changes we make converting medical grade double distilled water into geometrically perfect Hexagonal Scalarwave Structured Water™. Along the way we have produced World Champions, won Awards and made our customers very happy.