Come and awaken to the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
Learn the Art and Practice of Geomancy, Sacred Geography and Earth Wisdom
Learn how to create a Landscape Temple
3-days of outings and workshops on July 30, 31 & August 1, 2024
Starting at 1-5404 Sunnybrae Canoe Point Road,
Tappen, B.C. Tel. 250-803-2480
Using collective guidance and eco-spiritual dowsing, we will learn how to work with the Landscape Temple of the Shuswap, a safe zone for global transformation.
During the three days of discovery, we will visit some of the critical chakras and organs in the Shuswap landscape, one of the 20 key heart chakra center points for the angel of North America.
We will learn about bioregions, watersheds, water blessings and how to commune and play with devas, elementals, and the angelic kingdom. Where is your landscape’s sacred triangle of mountain and water spirits that are the root, heart, and chakras? Where are the points of involution and devolution? What areas of the landscape need healing? We will use the Shuswap Landscape Temple as an example of locating and working with the landscape temple wherever you are.
The Gathering opens with a medicine wheel ceremony, followed by a workshop and outing based on Marko Pogacnik’s landscape work. We will visit the heart chakra, the sphinx, the place of the skulls, the angel points of the sacred landscape temple, plus First Nation sacred sites, commune with the elemental, angelic and fairy kingdoms, and conduct earth healings at each of the landscape chakras of the landscape and learn how to work with garden and greenhouse devas.
The Tour Package includes accommodation and outings to the landscape sites starting from 1-5404 Sunnybrae Canoe Point Road, Tappen, B.C., for $200.00 Canadian or USD 160.16 per person.
Before paying, please get in touch with Tyhson Banighen at Cell/text/WhatsApp 1-250 803-2480
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