During the I hour and 30-minute zoom session we talked about:
- Christine Northrup, M.D. regarding Terrain versus Germ Theory.
- Royal Rife’s use of vibrational frequencies to kill microorganisms.
- How a flourishing gut biome is necessary for a strong immune system so the body can create antibodies to deal with viruses.
- We ran the Divine Mother Energies of “virus immunity” and “the blue rain of unconditional love.”
- Karmic seeds and karmic creditors.
- As multidimensional beings we sometimes need to call one soul right here right now.
- How multiple souls can inhabit one body. Your Multiply Souls: How They Direct Your Creativity, Genius, Complexity. And Moods, by Ruth Rendely.
- How the soul decides how and what it wants to accomplish during each incarnation. Your Soul’s Gifts: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, by Robert Schwatz
- The value of using the Quantum Jumping technique by Bert Goldman and the Map: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program by MacHaelle S. Wright
- We also discuss what else you can do to strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health.
New Addition to this course
- 30 minute session running the Divine Mother’s Energy called Virus Immunity Upgrade.
- Hot bath detox recipe to help remove nano-particles, parasites, heavy metals, radiation poisoning and pesticides.
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